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Do the medicinal mushrooms heal us?

2019.04.14. 11:42

I often get this question (last time when I was at the doctor for vaccination because we’re going to Africa). The doctor asked me do these mushrooms heal us? On the one hand, the answer is so simple but on the other hand it’s a hard question.

For example in my case these mushrooms can’t replace the vaccinations or the quick medical interventions but because of it’s consistence it helps me to stay healthy or it supports the rehabilitation. The last couple of years and researches are confirm our own experiences. 

Dr. Bea Csizmadia pharmacist and naturopath and Dr. Timea Dergez biochemist and associate professor talking about the most popular medicinal mushrooms and their own experiences during their national roadshow. There is a big enthusiastic about them wherever they go. 

These events are very useful because they are the people who will confirm professionally those experiences that we have gathered.

Do the medicinal mushrooms heal us?


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