

Address: Hungary/ Europe
Skype: dxnsopron

DXN runners on the Ultrabalaton 211km

2024.05.07. 09:20


Ultrabalaton Race Experience

The Ultrabalaton is one of the longest and toughest running races in Hungary. Running around Lake Balaton, we cover more than 200 kilometers. The uniqueness of the race is that, besides the proximity to nature and the beautiful landscapes, it also pushes our physical and mental limits.



Result of Long-Term Preparation

The months before the race were characterized by intense training and long preparations. Alongside regular training, we tried different running techniques and strategies to prepare as best as possible for the big day. The result was not only an improvement in our physical performance but also a strengthening of our mental resilience.



Reaching the Finish Line with Tündi

We completed the race together with my wife, Tündi. This shared goal and experience strengthened our relationship even more, and in difficult moments, supporting each other gave us the strength to continue. At the moment of reaching the finish line, we were both extremely happy and proud.



Focusing on Goals

Continuously focusing on the goals was essential for successfully completing the ultramarathon. With every step, we reminded ourselves of why we were doing it and how important achieving the set goal was for us.



Support from DXN Products

Before and during the race, DXN products were a great help. Consuming medicinal mushrooms and spirulina supported us in meeting our energy and nutritional needs, while antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins helped with recovery.



Training and Mental Preparedness

Along with intensive and regular training, we placed great emphasis on mental preparation as well. We prepared for the challenges that might arise during the race through meditation and various mental techniques.



Difficulties of Running

Naturally, the run was not without difficulties. The nighttime sections, fatigue, and potential injuries all tested our endurance. However, we managed to overcome every difficult moment.



Healthier Life with DXN

Running and using DXN products contributed to living a healthier and fitter life. Our lifestyle and diet also changed in a positive direction during preparation.



23-Hour Challenge

The 23-hour run was a real challenge for us. Staying awake and continuously performing for such a long time is a real test, which we proudly say we successfully completed.



Promoting DXN Active Life

Our goal was not only to complete the race but also to promote DXN Active Life. We want to introduce as many people as possible to the benefits of DXN products and the path to a healthier lifestyle.


DXN champions + 2


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