We blame other people for lying every single day. We can talk about politicians, employers, neighbours or about footballer with big indignation while we lie the biggest to ourselves.
We all lie to ourselves, but we always can explain it. "I didn't do it because of my current circumstances." It's the circumstances's fault.. Not mine!
The success (in your field) depends on your sins. If you can minimize your sins you will be successful.
How many time we made a promise for ourselves in these topics?
I will lose weight and I will eat healthy and do some sport from tomorrow. I will learn a foreign language and I will train myself from tomorrow. I will call somebody and I will go to the next event.
And what happened?
I'm going to eat this one.. That certainly won't matter. Tomorrow I will eat less than today.
The healthy menu is too expensive.
Today I haven't any time for running. The next week I will run twice.
I bought the language book and I enrolled a language course but I only came to page 15 and I missed the third week.
I can't read at this time. I check my facebook page and after that I will read a book.
I'm not well right now.. Tomorrow I will call him.
I should go to this training because it will be surely good. But now I have a very "important" thing to do. I will go to this training for the next time.
Which one is yours?
We all lie to ourselves. Me too. But much less than long time ago. My goal is to eliminate the present lies.
Decrease your lies and your bank account will increase! I'm sure!
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