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What health problems can aluminum in deodorants cause?

2024.09.12. 15:00

Although research is not yet entirely clear, some studies have found a link between aluminum exposure and certain health problems, such as:

  • Breast cancer: Some research suggests that the use of aluminium-containing deodorants may increase the risk of breast cancer, as aluminium can accumulate in breast tissue. 
  • Alzheimer's disease: There are suggestions that the accumulation of aluminium in the brain may contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, this link has not yet been fully proven and further research is needed.
  • Skin irritation: Aluminum-containing deodorants can cause skin irritation, itching or rashes in some people.

It is important to note that the rate of aluminium absorption from deodorants is relatively low, and according to most health organizations, the use of aluminium-containing deodorants is considered safe based on current data. However, if you are concerned about the possible health effects of aluminum, you can choose aluminum-free deodorants, such as DXN Kallow deodorant, which control sweating and unpleasant odors with natural ingredients.

DXN Kallow dezodor


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