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DXN Active Life

DXN Active Life

DXN Active Life

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body - Move with Us!

The foundation of DXN's philosophy is the Ayurvedic approach, which emphasizes the harmony of body, mind, and spirit. The old wisdom, "a healthy mind in a healthy body," perfectly expresses how much our physical health is intertwined with our mental and spiritual well-being.

DXN products help maintain the health of the body, but exercise is essential to create and maintain this holistic balance.

The Active Life Community

5 years ago, the idea was born to create a community that promotes the importance of exercise and an active lifestyle. I'm proud to have been a part of this initiative and to see it spreading to more countries today.

Join us too!

Become a member of the Active Life community! Exercise regularly, use DXN products, and set an example with your healthy lifestyle in your environment!

Go for it and good luck!

#DXNActiveLife #Health #Exercise #Harmony #Community

  • Success stories of Active Life members: 

Szabolcs Czerna ECD 

My Active Life journey: The love of movement that never faded

Since childhood, sports have been a part of my life, but the challenges of adulthood - career, family life - gradually pushed regular exercise out. A knee injury at 35 almost completely stopped me, and the consequences of inactivity quickly showed: weight gain, health problems... I knew this couldn't go on.

I started exercising again, but another injury set me back. This time, however, I didn't give up. I found a great trainer, started training consciously and regularly, and DXN products also helped a lot.

My 50-year-old self, who could barely run 5 km, reached the point in 6 years where my wife and I ran the Ultrabalaton pair race together - 105 km! This journey not only changed my physical performance but my whole life. It brought a lot of positive experiences and changes.

Our motto: "Move on today, enjoy the way" - Do it today and enjoy the journey! This attitude has helped me achieve my dreams, and I believe it can help you too.

  • Tips for regular exercise:  

    Schedule your time: Set aside time for exercise every day, even if it's just 15-20 minutes at first. This will make it easier to incorporate into your daily routine and you won't have any excuse to procrastinate.

    Start small, gradually increase the intensity: Don't try to run a marathon right away! Start with easier, shorter workouts, and gradually increase the intensity and duration. This way you can avoid injuries and stay motivated.

    Choose the right form of exercise: Pay attention to your body's signals and choose a form of exercise that you enjoy and that suits your current fitness level. If you are unsure, ask a trainer or a more experienced athlete for help.

    These tips will help you make exercise an enjoyable and sustainable part of your life. Remember, the most important thing is to start moving and enjoy the journey!


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